Evictions Guide – A Plaintiff’s Guide to Eviction Procedure

A Plaintiff’s Guide to Eviction Procedure

Filing with the Sheriff

  • All orders must be filed at the Sheriff’s Eviction Office in room 701 of the Richard J. Daley Center.
  • There is a non-refundable filing fee of $60.50 which must be paid in the form of a check, money order or cashier’s check.
  • Two (2) Certified copies and two (2) additional copies of the court order are required at the time of filing.
  • All changes, additions to and/or deletions from the order must be initialed by the issuing judge.
  • At the time of filing the Plaintiff/Plaintiff’s Attorney will be required to complete an Eviction Disclosure Form which includes information on the origins of the eviction case and information relative to the parties being evicted.


  • Evictions are generally scheduled in order of filing and are separated into geographical areas.
  • Eviction scheduling information is available on the Cook County Sheriff’s Website at https://www.cookcountysheriff.com. Click on “Evictions Schedule” to view the schedule for the current day and next business day.
  • The Plaintiff/Plaintiff’s Attorney will receive a telephone call from the Sheriff’s Office one working day prior to their eviction to notify of the date and time block the eviction is scheduled for.
  • An accurate and legible telephone number for contact is necessary to prevent delays in enforcement of your eviction
  • Motions, bankruptcies, or other court orders filed by the defendant can have an effect on the enforceability of an Order for Possession. The plaintiff must provide all the proper documents to this office for the order to be enforced.

The Day of Eviction
A representative of the plaintiff must be present on the day of the eviction.

  • The representative must meet Sheriff’s personnel outside of the eviction site. Sheriff’s personnel will arrive in marked vehicles and are easily identifiable. Approach the deputies and identify yourself as the plaintiff or plaintiff’s representative.
  • You will be required to identify the entry door to the property to be evicted.
  • You will be required to sign our document authorizing forced entry when entry cannot be gained by other means.
  • Sheriff’s personnel will remove all persons ordered evicted from the premise, but will not remove personal property.
  • Upon completion of the eviction Sheriff’s personnel will tender possession of the real property to the plaintiff’s representative and post a “No Trespassing” order on the door. Cancellations, Delays and Re-Scheduling
  • Evictions are cancelled in extreme weather conditions by court order.
  • A non-refundable $60.00 re-scheduling fee will be charged for evictions called-off at the eviction site and/or when the plaintiff fails to appear, in person or by representative on the day of the eviction.
  • An eviction will not be re-scheduled until this fee is paid.

Cancellations, Delays and Re-Scheduling

  • Evictions are cancelled in extreme weather conditions by court order.
  • A non-refundable $30.00 re-scheduling fee will be charged for evictions called-off at the eviction site and/or when the plaintiff fails to appear, in person or by representative on the day of the eviction.
  • An eviction will not be re-scheduled until this fee is paid.